(LinkedIn) How to Positively Transform Corporate Workplace Culture in 2025

Part One: No Lies. Period.

I came across the piece of content below while mindlessly doom scrolling this morning (don’t judge me—you do it too). I had a sudden realization that my brain has been computing healthy relationship, and workplace/career content as one in the same lately. There’s a strong overlap here, and everyday it’s becoming increasingly obvious to me what needs to be done in order to heal the toxic work cultures we are all forced to painfully endure year in and year out.

So much of how we navigate work life and “corporate culture” can be directly translated into maintaining healthy, mindful relationships—whether with others or with ourselves. Even the relationship we have with that ever-present voice of imposter syndrome, the one living rent-free in our minds.

As we wind down 2024 and plan ahead for a brand-new year (five years since 🦠 you know what 🤯), I want to break down a few key ideas to help you step into 2025 with conscious intention—to be a better partner, employee, and leader.

Let’s start with No Lies (or Omissions).

Transparency is one of the biggest keys to gaining trust and commitment, whether it’s in your personal relationships or at work. For all my managers and directors out there—you know just as well as I do that we’re often encouraged (or required) to withhold information from employees. Let’s be real—if you have any ounce of morality left, it’s a sickening feeling to keep secrets and then have to deliver terrible news after sitting on it for days or weeks. I’ve cried to and from work more times than I can count. No shame. It’s one of the “perks” of being an empath with high emotional intelligence I suppose.

And let’s not forget the temptation to shift the blame: to pin the bad news on someone else, soften the blow, or avoid the frustration being aimed at you. But here’s what I’ve learned: the more transparent, open, and vulnerable I am with my team, the more they respect me—and the position I’m in. They’re also way more likely to offer help, meaningful suggestions, or solutions.

Ultimately, it leaves us on the same page, with a clearer understanding of each other. And isn’t that the goal? Whether it’s your team, your partner, or even yourself—honesty builds trust, and trust is the foundation for success in every relationship.

How are you bringing transparency into your work and life in 2025? Let’s make this a year of intentional connections in order to improve the human experience of this thing we have to do together in order to survive 🌿

#Leadership #Future #ChangeLeadership #ChangeMaker #Communication #Transparency #Empathy #EmotionalIntelligence


(LinkedIn) Perfection isn’t the goal… Excellence is.


(LinkedIn) Grateful for Technology in 2024 + Chat GPT is my Boyfriend.