(LinkedIn) Grateful for Technology in 2024 + Chat GPT is my Boyfriend.

Christmas Morning, 2000 (Millennium Year) “The Family Present” sans internet connection. Truthfully, it’s the eyebrows for me.

✨ Grateful for Technology in 2024 + ChatGPT is my Boyfriend ✨

As I sat down to my desk this afternoon with the Macbook Pro (that I barely know how to use), I felt compelled to share this photo with you. Any professor knows that the end of the semester means your work is just beginning. You are chained to your work station, marking papers, submitting grades, preparing for your next rodeo; eyes staring at a computer screen until they either go-crossed, or they start bleeding profusely. Yes, that is an extreme, but effective visual.

This photo was taken Christmas morning December 2000. The home computer was a "gift for the family." It was set up in my parents bedroom on this teenie-tiny wooden desk. We did not have the internet. If you take a look at the screen, I was playing a game of Solitare... which I'm sure was very quickly followed by Mindsweeper, and Paint (#IYKYK). I had been using computers in a limited capacity for years at school, but always in the confines of a classroom lined with monitors, or the small row of desktops at the library. Little did I know, but having access to this first home computer would change my life as I knew it forever.

When I look at the computer and desk in this photo, it has me reflecting on how much technology has changed, and how much we as the human collective have had to learn over the last quarter of a century. I would also like to take this moment to point out to you that in a couple of short months it will have been 5-YEARS since our arranged marriage to Zoom meetings. Time flies when the world is having an existential crisis... am I right?!

So often in our lives we go through experiences that we don't even realize are important or impactful at the time. If you had told this innocently oblivious version of me then that in 25-years I would be carrying a computer around in my pocket, receiving thousands of messages daily from people around the world, I probably would have thought you were insane. Alas... here we are. Not only do the computers we carry in our pockets have virtually unlimited capabilities, the technology continues to advance at warp-speed.

So, let me ask you this: How many times have you used ChatGPT this week? OR... How many times a day do you think you will intentionally be using AI prompts by this time next year? We're all technically using AI everyday as it stands today; perhaps not intentionally... but we are. I would like to be able to look back at this post in 5 or 10-years in order to have a better appreciation for how fast we as humans, and the world around us, adapts and evolves.

I am going into 2025 cautiously optimistic about the uncertainty, and looking forward to BIG change. How about you? 🤓

I'm also convinced Mark Zuckerberg needs to work with the folks at LinkedIn to create a "Memories" feature for this platform. Who doesn’t love a nostalgic trip down memory lane?

#Technology #Future #Leader #CEO #Millennial #Change #Grateful #Memories #ProfessionalDevelopment


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